Short Bio

Deny Willy Junaidy sebelumnya adalah dosen tidak tetap di FSRD ITB selama 14 tahun dan mendirikan Yayasan Apikayu untuk pendampingan industri kecil kerajinan dan furnitur pada tahun 2006. Studi S1 dan S2 diselesaikan di ITB dan pernah menjadi mahasiswa riset di Industrial Design History and Culture Lab., Kyushu University. Gelar Doktor (Best Student Award) di bidang Knowledge Science diperoleh dari Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) pada tahun 2014 dengan disertasi: “Investigating the Creative Cognition of Craftsmen for the Improvement of Design Education.” Disertasinya menerapkan metode terkini menangkap proses konseptualisasi kreatif dengan teknik ‘Associative Concept Network Analysis’ dan terpublikasi di beberapa Jurnal dan Prosiding konferensi internasional.

Ia telah mengikuti beberapa fellowship program di Asia hingga US. Pada tahun 2014 ia menjadi Visiting Research Fellow di Furniture Research Group, Buckinghamshire New University, UK dan meneliti proses konseptualisasi kreatif para pembuat furnitur dan perajin ahli di industri pedesaan Inggris dan Indonesia. Sejak 2002 Ia aktif terlibat sebagai tenaga ahli pendampingan desain bagi industri pedesaan melalui program Kementerian Perindustrian. Tahun 2011-2014 bersamaan dengan studi doktoralnya ia juga bekerja sebagai Asisten Peneliti dan Asisten Pengajar di JAIST melalui Research Promotion Award. Profesor pembimbingnya di JAIST menawarkan posisi Asisten Profesor berkali-kali, namun karena perbedaan pandangan Ia lebih memilih berkarir di tempat lain.

Beberapa penghargaan yang ia terima bersama tim diantaranya, Indonesian Good Design Award (Team) (IGDS 2002 dan 2009); Finalis International Young Design Entrepreneur Award (British Council IYDEY 2006); Youth CSR Program Award 2009, Filipina (Asia Institute Management); Best Poster Presentation dalam Fellowship Report Session, JAIST; Student Research Bursary Award 2013 dari Design Research Society (DRS), UK, hingga Doctoral Best Student Award dari JAIST.


Deny Willy Junaidy, PhD is currently full-time lecturer at School of Creative Industries, Telkom University. He worked at the Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB) for 14 years as part-time lecturer, at the same time he managed Apikayu Foundation that concerns on creativity support for furniture and craft sector in rural industries. From 2011-2014 he worked as Research Assistant at Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) under Research Promotion Award.

He receives his Ph.D (Best Student Award) from the School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). He holds Master of Architecture from the Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB). He was previously a research student at the Graduate School of Design, Kyushu University and a visiting researcher at the Furniture Research Group, Buckinghamshire New University, UK.

His research area is Knowledge Creation Process from the Viewpoint of Design, i.e., creative cognition, concept generation, design knowledge acquisition, craft and furniture study. He has received multiple awards including Student Research Bursary Award from Design Research Society (DRS), UK.


Deny Willy Junaidy, PhD.
School of Creative Industries | Telkom University

e: [email protected]

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